Goverment tax relief Help Program in Indonesia

Since officially into effect on Monday (07/18/2016) yesterday, the Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) Number 118 / PMK.03 / 2016 on Implementation Act (the Act) Tax Amnesty Tax Amnesty or become a hot topic decorate various water media. Indeed, today the government is intensively to disseminate to the public, but the high euphoria tax forgiveness is not merely because of that, many are also some other things which makes deepened.

For those who do not know, is a tax amnesty is forgiveness program provided by the government to taxpayers who do not report the correct tax. This program includes the abolition of tax payable, tax administration removal of sanctions, as well as the elimination of criminal sanctions in the field of taxation on property acquired in 2015 and which have not been reported previously in the Annual Tax (SPT). This program applies to private taxpayer, agencies, SMEs, even also includes a private person who is not a resident.

Tax is mandatory. There are sanctions provided for in the Act (the Act) of a tax asset forfeiture insurer, until the insurer restraint temporary tax freedom by putting in a certain place. But now there are many irregularities committed by the taxpayer. Ranging from not reporting all the wealth / income (either intentionally or unintentionally), to get the funds out of the country to avoid taxes. And it certainly unlawful.

But whatever the reason, to settle all arrears of tax and pay the ransom, the tax amnesty program can remove the 'sin' is.

From a rare phenomenon, not kidding, until last chanceTax amnesty program is a rare phenomenon. Program conducted by the Labour Government's Cabinet is a breakthrough that the objective is not only in the realm of fiscal, but also for the macro economy. Its bases are attracting funds taxpayers who save their money abroad (repatriation), or in the country but not reported.

Potential revenue is expected to add to the budget either this year or in subsequent years that would make the state budget to be more sustainable, and the greater ability of government spending for development programs of infrastructure to the improvement of people's welfare.

To that end, the government will guarantee a clear legal framework in the legislation to secrecy. Not only that, the government has prepared a number of schemes to collect the money that goes to the state treasury in the form of portfolio investments, such as treasury bills, rekasadana, sukuk, bonds, stocks, and also to direct investments such as infrastructure development is also the focus of the government,
The government does not mess around. Of socialization held either by the President, Vice President, and also the Minister of Finance, that a tax amnesty this is the last chance for those who have not paid the tax. Because, by 2018 there will be an international tax-related information disclosure. So the flow of taxpayer funds can be traced even in the other countries.

This is the last chance, you should use. Otherwise, it would pay a fine, and there are sanctions, "as spoken by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in an interview.

Tax Amnesty Program is valid only in effect since passed, until March 31, 2017, and is divided into three (3) periods, namely:

1. Period I: From the date of enactment s.d. 30 September 20162. Second Period: From October 1 s.d. December 31, 20163. Period III: From January 1 s.d. March 31, 2017

Payments and investment through Bank Mandiri

As described earlier, the government does not mess with the tax amnesty program. Through the decree of the Minister of Finance, the government has been working closely with Bank Mandiri as a collecting bank to hold a tax amnesty proceeds repatriation.

Bank Mandiri selected as the bank's perception of preparedness and the global network. 1460 Branch recipient Money Atonement, 7 Foreign Office (Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Cayman Islands, Dili, London, and Malaysia), 20 Main Branch, and 58 Outlet priority for the Repatriation Fund, as well as 3 gateway management fund tax amnesty (Bank Mandiri, Mandiri Sekuritas and Mandiri Investment Management).

To make the program successful amnesty Tax, Bank Mandiri with the entire group of companies of his son, has been prepared with various types of investment instruments, with a choice of 53 mutual funds, Mandiri Deposit Swap, various series of government bonds with a choice of currency IDR / USD, trust services, and a wide selection of products insurance from AXA Mandiri.

In addition, the bank also plans to launch products such Senior Debt and Asset Backed Securities Shaped Mail Participation (EBA SP) issued by Bank Mandiri, Negotiable Certificate Deposit and Dual Currency Investment.

Through Mandiri Investment Management, there is a choice open mutual funds (Money Market, Fixed Income, Mixed and Equity) and also Protected Fund. As well, some other products are currently in the approval process includes the Limited Investment Mutual Funds and Real Estate Investment Trusts.For customers who want customized investment services can be through the Fund Management Contract (Discretionary Fund).

In addition, customers can also invest through Mandiri Sekuritas in securities including but not limited to stocks, bonds / sukuk issued by the government, state-owned and private companies, Medium Term Notes (MTN), Negotiable Certificates of Deposit (NCD) and corporate action including direct investments.

Through other subsidiaries of Bank Mandiri, Mandiri Capital Indonesia also preparing products Venture Fund which could be an alternative choice customers. (Adv) Tax Amnesty


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