Islamic Financial Planning Indonesia Update

What difference treasure for Believers and Non-Believers?

Org treasure for Faithful; (Al-Kahf 39)"And why did you not say when you entered your garden" MAA SYAA GOD, LAA QUWWATA ILLAA Billah "(It was the will of Allah all of this to happen, there is no power except with God's help). Now if you consider me less than you in wealth and offspring, "the wealth of the Org Not Faithful; (Al-Qasas 78)

"Karun said:" I was only given a treasure, as knowledge that I have. " And did he not know that Allah has indeed destroy the followers of previous much stronger thereof, and more collect treasures? And does not need to be asked to the people who sinful about their sins. "

Islamic Financial Planning Indonesia

Financial Advisor (Financial Advisory)PLANNING OF ISLAMIC finance is the process to achieve your financial goals through financial management carefully. Financial goals can include buying a home, saving for children's education or planning a pension fund, pay off or take on debt, optimization of revenue by investing and wealth distribution (including Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah). In planning family finances Islamic way to do yourself by learning through books and training or use the services of financial advisors.Appropriate professional standards, financial advisors generally set tariffs;1. Charge a fee, but did not offer any product2. Give free advice, but charge a commission (generally provided by the company) for transactions of products issued by the company (such as insurance, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, savings / deposits, zakat / Infaq / Shadaqah, etc.)3. The charge both a fee and commission.
The financial planning process consists of six steps:1. Define and confirms client relations and financial planners.Financial planner should transparently explain or document the services provided to you and affirm the responsibility of you and him. Financial planner should explain fully how he will be paid and by whom. You and financial planner have to agree how long the professional relationship will last and how financial decisions will be made.2. Setting Goals (Goal) Finance.You and financial planner must affirm the family goals and your personal goals, understand your time frame for a mendiskuskan results and, if relevant, how you feel about risk. Financial planner should gather all the necessary documents before giving you the advice you need.3. Analyze and evaluate your financial status.Financial planner should analyze your information to assess your financial situation and determine what you need to do to achieve your goals. Depending on what services you have requested, this could include analyzing your assets, liabilities and cash flow, current insurance protection, investment or tax strategies.4. Creating and presenting financial planning recommendations and / or alternatives.Financial planner should offer financial planning recommendations that mention your goals, based on the information you provide. Financial planner should explain the financial recommendations with you to help you to understand that NDA can make decisions based on available information. The planner should also listen to your concerns and revise the recommendations as appropriate.5. Implementing the financial planning recommendations.You and financial planner should agree on how to finance the recommendations will be made. Financial planners probably will do these recommendations for you or simply be a "coach", which is coordinating the overall process with you and other professionals such as notary / lawyer or a stockbroker.6. Supervise financial planning recommendations.You and financial planner should agree on who will oversee the developmentYou in achieving your goals. If a financial planner who is responsible for the process, he must report to you periodically to review your situation and make adjustments on the rekomendasirekomendasi, if necessary, in accordance with changes in your life.Can You Do Your Own Financial Planning?Some personal finance software, magazines or books can help you to doyour own financial planning. However, you may decide to seek help froma professional financial planner if:l You need a skill that you lack in some area of ​​your finances. For example, a financial planner can help you evaluate the level of risk in your investment portfolio or adjust your retirement plan associated with changing family circumstances.l You want to get a professional opinion about the financial plan that you have created for yourself.l you feel do not have to set aside time to do your own financial planning.l You have needs that are sudden or unexpected life events such as birth, heritage or critical illness.l you feel that a professional advisor may be able to help you improve the way you manage your finances.l You know that you need to improve your financial situation but do not know where to start.Who Financial Planner?A financial planner will use the financial planning process to help you find the way to achieve financial goals. The planner can see the "big picture" across the top of the needs of the family's financial situation and make recommendations suitable financial planning, including budgeting and saving, tax planning, investments, insurance and pensions. A comprehensive approach on your financial goals is what distinguishes a financial planner with other financial advisors. Terspesialis financial advisors may only be trained to focus on a particular area of ​​the financial situation, while financial planners provide more comprehensive adivise.Working as a professional Financial Advisor (Financial Advisor)PLANNER finance is one part of a financial advisor. With the right education and experience sufficient, each of the advisors below can take you through the process of financial planning.Accountant; Accountants provide advice on tax issues and help you prepare and file your tax reports to the Directorate General of Taxation.Financial Planner (Financial Planner); In Indonesia, financial planners who provide financial planning services to their clients. And as a professional standard.Insurance Agent / Mutual Fund; An insurance agent who has been licensed to sell such Certificate in Unit Linked or agents of mutual funds that has been licensed to sell as Mutual Fund Sales Representative may sell unit linked products or mutual funds to their clients.Investment Advisor; Someone who wants to give advice invetasi must have permission from Bapepam (Capital Market Supervisory Agency) as Investment Manager.Stock Brokers; Stock broker is a person has obtained a license from Bapepam as representatives of brokerage in the capital markets for the benefit of its clientsFinancial Planning in IslamCONCEPT Sustenance is not only a treasure. Sustenance is anything that can be taken advantage (Ar Rizqu - Ash Sha'rawi, Mutawalli). Sustenance is born inner pleasure of Allah Ta'ala provide in this world and hereafter (fiddunya hasanah wafil akhirati hasanah).A treasure indeed play an important role in the lives of Muslims. However, any property as provision according to the word of Allah S.A.W., simply:1. What you eat into the dirt2. What do you wear to waste3. What do you sedekahkan become immortalUnderstand that the property is part of the sustenance which Allah Ta'ala gave, very important for children and keluaga, in order to increase faith and gratitude. A lot of people are busily engaged himself with what it was created for them. Indeed, this world with all his benefits created for man. While humans were created to devote themselves to Allah Ta'ala. Devoted to Allah Almighty not only perform the prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage. It requires a complementary method of life.Prosperity of the earth in a relationship with all creatures of Allah Ta'ala, including human beings. Allah Ta'ala give honor to His creatures in search, manage, and spend / give / distribute sustenance to others.Why plan and manage TREASURES it is important for a Muslim?According to Safir Senduk in his book Family Financial Planning, some of the reasons why require financial planning, namely; their financial goals to be achieved, the high cost of living over time, the state of the Indonesian economy is not always good (at times of crisis), physical man is not forever will always be healthy, and the number of financial products offered.Imam Fakhruddin ar-Razy rahimahullah said, "Treasure (al-Maalu) called treasure (maal) for each person many inclines and tends to him. Baha inclined in Arabic is mailun, derived words: Maala, Yamiilu, maa'ilun, and maalun. Because that is the nature of human preferred property. The cause is perfection, the treasure was the cause of human rights reach the refinement capabilities. Many treasures will bring the power and perfection of human abilities. Resulting in increased goods increase will further increase the ability of a human being. "According to the Koran itself, at least there are some important things, why financial planning needs to be done, there are at least four main reasons, namely:1.Harta As ordeal. Word of Allah Ta'ala in the letter of the 8th (Al-Anfal) verse 28:01"And know that your possessions and your children is just as true in the trials and Allah is a great reward."Temptation means comprehensive, the word of Allah Ta'ala in the letter to 34 (Saba ') "Say:" Verily, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His servants, and narrowing the divide (whom He wills). "......."Likewise in a letter to 2 (Al-Baqara) verse 268, "... ..Syaitan promising (scare) you with poverty and orders you to do evil (miser); ... .. "We know that a living in this world for all beings, to the believers (believers) and infidels (unbelieving), because it is a gift of Lordship sustenance. The gift Lordship it is what gives the benefit to beings who believe in Allah and who do not have faith in Him. Therefore, we can see there are many people who simply work without fortified by faith, as if more enjoy His gift than a believer. Though it may be keberlimpahannya as a test (trial) on his gift in the world, if it is not believed that the abundance will not come again in the afterlife as God Taa'la described in a letter to 11 (Hud) verses 15-16.2. As Amanah Harta (performing rights after acquired property), such as the word of God in a letter to 6 (Al An'aam) paragraph 141,02"... .. Eat of the fruit (a variety of it) when they bear fruit, and pay their due on harvest day (with the wherewithal to the poor); and do not exaggerate. Lo! Allah loveth not the wasters. "3. Optimizing treasure. In order to add gratitude favor, avoid the vices of man in terms of assets (a stingy and wasteful). Allah explains Al Isra (17:26) "And give to families who close their rights, to the poor and the traveler, and do not squander (your wealth) in wantonness.". Taa'la describe God in the Qur'an letter to 25 paragraph 67 as a gesture of careful financial management of a Muslim,03"And those who when they spend (treasure), they are not excessive, and not (also) miserly, and is (spending it) in the middle of the case."4. Treasure Important Role in Life / Worship A Muslim. There are so many treasures linked to the worship of a Muslim. So no wonder that when the Prophet Muhammad and his companions emigrated to Madinah, it was built only two, namely: Mosque and Market. From where civil society is built. Mosque used as an educational center (tarbiyah), used as the center of government, also be used as a worship center. While the market is used as a place to build the economy of the people. Islamic Economics in the Civil Society has a strong bargaining position. For that financial perencaanaan also expected to become an important part of economic development in accordance with the rules of Islam.In addition to the obligation sought and provide for the family as commanded by Allah SWT in surah Al Baqarah verse 233: "Mothers shall suckle their children for two full years, that is for those who want to enhance breastfeeding. And the obligation to feed and clothe the father to the mother with ma'ruf. "Also possessions important role in Muslim life other than zakat, infaq, sadaqah, berqurban, also Haj and Umrah. In a letter to the 3rd (Ali 'Imran) verse 97, Allah Ta'ala affirmed,04"... .. Do hajj is a duty of man to God, that is (for) people who can take a trip to the House [216]. Whoever deny (hajj obligations), Allah is Rich (do not need anything) of the Worlds. "[216]. That is: people are able to get supplies and transportation equipment as well as physically healthy and safe perjalananpun.


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