This Disbleman is the Great Online Marketer from Indonesia

Habibie Afsyah (27) is a simple and disable man. The youngest of eight children born in Jakarta on January 6, 1988. He was the son of the couple Nasori H. Lewis and Hj. Endang, consisted.  

Although it has some disabilities, such dytrophy muscular disease could provide valuable life lessons and outstanding. Undergoing childhood as children in general. Habibie was not physically disabled since birth. Dytrophy congenital muscular disease that is slowly grabbed her motor functions. He began could not move the body. Inner struggle which is quite remarkable too upset, frustrated, and angry. 

Slowly, he was able through that period. The verdict of the doctors did not dampen her enthusiasm for achievement. Habibie wants a parent, especially mother dearest, Endang, consisted.The mother enrolled a basic course for marketing. Initially Habibie said he did not know anything about the business online. The course itself is sung in English using a translator. No problems for Habibie to learn the fundamentals of internet marketing.

After the course is completed, Endang re-enroll their children into a similar course, but advanced. Habibie had rejected as too costly. But the mother continued to encourage and push forward Habibie.Habibie in this phase of intense discussions with Kelvin Chow, the interpreter in the course of it. After studying for three weeks, he managed to get the first sale of the Products Games PS3. Although the commission is only 24 dollars, Habibie absurdly happy. For the first time can make money from the internet.Habibie actual loss in this first commission.  

Advertising costs greater than the commission. But Habibie kept trying until he could get a commission 124 dollars, 500, then 1000, and finally in 2000 dollars. All require a process of learning and practice consistently.Success as an internet marketer to establish the Foundation encourages Habibie Habibie Afsyah. Through this foundation, he provided training for about 50 normal people and 60 people with disabilities. Indonesia Disable Community Care makes them a team to develop projects based websites.

"The weakness is not necessarily synonymous with failure. Son difable not have to live with the emptiness, helplessness, or compassion of others. We ourselves must decide to rise. Change weaknesses become strengths, "Habibie said in the book of real life which he releases under the title Is My weaknesses are my strength. (VP)


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