Have No Idea To Write Article, Do this ways

As a blogger, there are times when we run out of ideas to create content for blogs, this usually occurs when we feel tired, bored, many thoughts. I myself have experienced it, but I could handle it by doing some of the following:

Diligent Blogwalking 

Rather than just silence in front of a laptop, while thinking about the article to be made, the better blogwalking, blogwalking not nothing to lose anyway, go to the same blog theme with our blogs, see the articles, well from there will appear new ideas and start illustrated what we will make, do not forget to thank a way to leave a relevant comment if you like and inspired by the article, it seems to me needs to be done to establish a friendship with a fellow blogger.

Open Group Social Media

 Suppose your blog theme of cooking, join the group-group on social media that discusses cuisine, aktiflah there, read each posting of more friends, usually there anyone asks "anyone have this recipe gak, share donk, if you have not had the desired article, immediately created and provide a link your blog, in addition to increasing visitor, you also have managed to provide an answer to her question, I myself often to be inspired here. 

Go out strolling 

Maybe you need refreshing, please go sightseeing, do not need to bali or out of the country, simply by going to the park, relax under a shady tree, forget for a moment installment motorcycle and accumulating debts, this will refresh our brains, and when our brain fresh will usually appear bright ideas. 

Update Older Articles 

It is also important, update the article really needs to do in order to remain relevant to read, example, suppose you create an article "How to Make a Blog on WordPress" two years ago, try to check, whether the current measures and zoom remains the same for now, if different updatelah immediately to await the emergence of the idea to create new content. 

Blog Translate Foreign Languages

Finding quality weblog, and translate. Good foreign languages ​​- to the local language, or vice versa local language your mother - into foreign languages. You just have to revise and revamp, many incorrect grammar of the translator. Then you need to fix it.

Search Settlement of a Problem 

Sure we've all had the name issue, which died just had a problem let alone surviving, the problem we've banya really asked for trouble? yes this is one way to generate ideas, seek settlement of the problems you are currently facing, looking for references as much as possible and find the answer and write it all into your blog, like I've run out of ideas to blog until finally came the idea to make this article.

Develop A Content to Generate Multiple Content 

Well this can generate a lot of content if we are observant, create one article and make the article a chain next example, you create an article about the tutorial "How to Make a Kite", develop materials about kite like "How to Make a Kite Typical Bali "," How to Cope with Kite No Fly "Tips for Choosing Bamboo Matches for kites" and so on.

That idea could be sought, so do not just wait for ideas, do something to get ide.Semoga article above can be a solution for all my friends who are having problems running out of ideas and become excited again to continue to enliven the world blogger Indonesia.


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