Lieus Remind Ahok Chinese Citizen Fear Riots Will Happen Again

When former Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Retired Military Headquarters Johanes Suryo Prabowo, reminded Ahok and his followers do not get too arrogant.

Speech Suryo Prabowo is not without evidence, even saying it feared the incident on the basis of ethnic upheaval, especially to the ethnic Chinese is not the first time, and always begins from arrogant attitude.Fears of ethnic Chinese, especially in the lower classes, no longer a secret, when Ahok obviously more defenseless against the financiers and expelled the bumiputera.

And consequently Ahok should strive to be the executor for his colleagues by way despite efforts by violent means for the implementation of the interests of the developers

One is evictions carried out by Ahok, even Ahok not hesitate ordered that the police and the military to face down directly by the citizens that in fact inhabited by people from various tribal Indonesia alias Natives.

As a result, no less than a prominent ethnic Chinese, Jaya Soeprana remind Ahok openly by mail and published in the mass media.

In fact, one of the leaders of the region of Glodok, Lieus Sungkharisma, also went down to join the protesters, was also present and gave a speech and blasted directly Ahok which he considered as one of the most evil, because people think only of defending the financiers.

"I'll fight (Ahok) with any risk, even go to jail as well I'm not afraid, I do not care," he said in front of Luar Batang citizens, who do big event associated with the eviction to be carried Ahok. (Ts)


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