5 Tips to Learn to Write English Articles for Website or Blog (Advance)

I amn't an English teache and I amn't good fluent in English,

I just wanna try to write articles in english. Base on my English from Yunior High School I'll try to learn to speak and write English Article. If you found not good enough grammer or mis vocab, i do apologize.

From the experience of learning to write an English article that I experienced, I finally found some conclusions about the steps to learn to write a correct English article.

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Solutions for Bloggers who Cannot Write English

Belajar Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris

1. Learn GrammarThe first is learning grammar. Learning this grammar when we were sitting at school put into Structure lesson alias English grammar. This grammar is so important that people abroad who will read your writing are not confused in understanding the meaning of your writing. Learning this grammar is the number one thing that should not be ruled out.
2. Increase vocabularyVocabulary or vocabulary is the raw material that we use to write articles of english. The more we understand the vocabulary, the more things we can write. The amount of vocabulary that we understand will increase by itself if we each day diligently learn to write articles english. Because if we are not knowing a vocabulary, then we will find out through dictionary or google translate.
3. Understanding the mindset of people abroadOur mindset is not the same as the mindset of foreigners, and we should know about it. So that we can understand the mindset of people abroad, then we have to join the overseas communities that exist in social networks, such as facebook and google plus. If we do not understand the mindset of people abroad then our writing will look strange or unusual alias. In fact it could be you will write an English article like the style of talking people of Java.
4. Learn to be a child or a toddlerA toddler will more quickly understand a language than an adult like us, that's because the toddler does not have any language before, except only body language. Suppose we do not have any language, and we are looking for a language like a toddler. Then we learn English as our language. Then we will find the ease and will be faster in understanding the ins and outs of english because we are not disturbed by other languages, just like a toddler who is learning to talk.
5. Improve your expertise in writing english articles. Keep learning and practicing writing english articles as much and as often as possible. As your flying hours in writing English articles, then your understanding in English will be perfect by itself without you knowing it.
About the ways to learn english next you please ask yourself to the expert who can you meet in the forums on the internet that discusses about learning english. On the internet a lot of masters who want to share their knowledge to you voluntarily without a penny.

Hopefully this article useful. Do not forget the friends also read Learning English Writing Articles Can Make Alexa Rank Swell.


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