School-age Girl, rapped till death

School-age Girl, rapped till death

MY NAME Yuyun. I'am Yuyun, 14 years old, grade 2 junior 5 One Roof in Padang Ulak Slam, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu. Earlier in the school are no events Scout activities, so I wore brown uniforms.

Scout uniform I may not be as clean as you when the school uniform. Understandably my country girl who is familiar with tree sap and dust. But I am proud menggenakannya. I am also proud to be a student, go to school with my friends. 

For me, learning is part of my trip to get to know the world. Mencerucup science is my provision for the future.However, living in the village, in the remote island of Sumatra, I also have goals.
I also have hope for the future. Just like other children. Just as the sons and daughters of the father and mother. Is not that what is taught, that every child should hang his ideals to the skies?Lunch was hot when I passed through the plantation after school. Rain has long did not go down. Although a little thirsty, but I have to go home.
As usual, I was just walking, Menusuri land of our village. I wanted to get home, and rest after walking quite a distance, and lunch with the family.I had never driven shuttle to school. In our village, away from the hubbub of the city, walking is a habit. 

What could be more wonderful for us, apart menusuri small streets of the village? Enjoying the quiet atmosphere of a small singing. Imagine sendau quipped friends at school this morning.In a corner, in a quiet area I met several men friends. They approached me. I know one of them. He is the older brother of class. They invited me to join sit there, but I refused. I want to go home. I also do not like the smell of their mouths. The smell of beer evaporates, like cockroaches that come out of the gutter. Also eyeball that red as saga.

But they do not like to be rejected. One guy pulled my hand roughly. I brushed it off. Suddenly from behind, a man of another ambush. Hand over my mouth, blocking the sound of screaming. I'm almost out of breath.One of them hit hard. I staggered. The view becomes dark. Others carried a rope, tied my hands. As she continued to wriggle, I tried to escape. But their power as a bull. The 14 men, who partly also know me, treating me like an animal. I slammed hard into the ground, infiltrated among the trees.

They pulled my Scout uniform. Ripped, torn brown skirt. I screamed, but bekapan their hands so strong. Then they forcibly raped me. At that time, in conditions of depravity, I could only moan. My mouth will not cease to call mom. I hope he heard the moans of his daughter.Woman, behold your little princess. Dikangkangi hordes of animals with wine and lust mouth odor overflow in the head. This is your daughter's mother moaned withstand sore. Sores in my body. Poignant in my soul. They tortured. Damaging honor abuzz. Beat me with their hands and wood. Mother is the daughter that you gave birth, that you care and to school. 

Treated cruelly, infiltrated among the weeds, tied up like an animal. This mother Yuyun. Yuyun alone to face the ferocity devil incarnate. Mother...But they continued to attack my femininity. 14 people alternately. I think such a terrible thing-the cruel beast creature no one treated as such. Only the pain is felt, each time more and more sore. I screamed. But the sound was gone. My screams followed by timber blow to the head. Everything is dark.In the dark I saw the sad face of the mother. Her tears melted. I witnessed the melancholy in the face of the father. Vein face tense. I wanted to hug her. Want to complain to them. But the atmosphere was getting dark. I no longer feel pain. After the peak of pain, there is only emptiness.

My body was damaged. Scout uniform that only one was torn. Kasian's mother, she had to buy a new Girl Scout uniform. Forgive me, mother. This ruthlessness has damaged Pramukaku uniform. Forgive me father, blow wooden head has separated us forever.
My name Yuyun. Grade 2 junior 5 One Roof, Padang Ulak Slam, Rejang Lebang, Bengkulu. I also have goals, just like a father and mother. Now the ideals that date. I just stayed bodies, torn Yag menggenakan Scout uniform, were found bound in the abyss. OFF THE LEGAL ACTORS !!!


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