6 Ways debt, Safe and Correct

6 Ways debt, Safe and Correct
DEBT-TRADE is an activity that can not be avoided in people's lives. Islam permits the debts but with the following conditions:
First, people who want to owe let absolutely necessity. Because according to the Prophet, the debt is a cause of sorrow in the evening and humiliation at noon.
In fact, he never refused a person known menshalatkan corpse was left in debt and unable to leave the property to pay for it. The Prophet said, "There will be forgiven the martyrs of all sins except debt." (Reported by Muslim).
Second, people who owe there should be a strong intent to return. People who have such intentions will be helped by Allah glory to Him. From Abu Hurairah, he said that the Prophet glory to Him said: "He who takes another man's treasure (debt) in order to pay for it (return it), then Allah will exert subhanahuwata'aala him. And whoever took it to spend (not pay it off, pent), God will destroy him. "(Bukhari)
Third, it must be written and attested. The two parties to a transaction of debts should be written and witnessed by others. It is described in the Word of God Surat al-Baqarah [2] Paragraph 282.
Ibn Kathir explains that this verse as evidence of God's glory to Him if there are parties who bermuamalah with non-cash transactions, be it written, to be more awake amount, timing and further strengthen the witness.
Fourth, the creditor may not take advantage or benefit from those who owe. This is because the purpose of the lender is to love the borrower and help him, not looking for compensation or gain. Even recommended giving the hold time for people who are difficult to repay the debt at maturity. This is based on the word of Allah in Al-Baqarah verse 280 as well as the words of the Prophet that says, "Whoever wants shaded by Allah to shade him (on the Day of Resurrection, pent), then let him suspend repayment of debt for people in difficulty, or let him abort the debt. "(Reported by Ibn Majah)
Fifth, people who owe should immediately repay the debt if you already have the money and give gifts to the lender. The Prophet said, "Delaying (payment) for those who were able to constitute an injustice." (Bukhari).
Once it is recommended to give a gift. In a history of Abu Hurairah said that the Messenger has a debt to someone in the form of a camel with a certain age. And he came to collect. (So) beliaupun said, "Give it to him" then they look for the same age as his camel, but they did not find unless longer-lived than camels. The Prophet (was) saying, "Give it to him." He replied, "You have fulfilled them with more. May God retaliate in kind ". Then the Prophet said, "The best of you is the nicest guy in repayment (debt)." (Bukhari)
Sixth, if the person who owes unable to return, may apply for bleaching and also looking for an intermediary to request them. From Jabir bin Abdullah, he said, "(My father) Abdullah died and he left a lot of children and debt. So I plead with the owner of the debt that they want to reduce the amount of debt, but they are reluctant. I also came to the Prophet asking for intercession (help) them. (But) they would not want to. He said, "Separate kormamu according to its kind. Bunches Ibn Zaid group. Gentle one group, and Ajwa one group, and then bring it to me. "(Then) I will do it. He came and sat down and weigh each of their uttermost, and dates remain as untouched. "(Bukhari).


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