About Riba In Islam, Why you have to Choose Life without Riba

About Riba In Islam, Why you have to Choose Life without Riba

My Facebook friend Bahtiar Basyuni upload this photo ... a glimpse of the direct view and comment, sangaarrrr .. .. ngeerriii sadisss ... !! There is hell?

"I was once biangnya usury mas, last year I was working at a car dealership. Each person who comes for sure I suggest to credit. As a bonus I received more big mas!" Said mas Bahtiar open chat with me last night ..
"If I sell a car cash, bonus for me is only 250 thousand to 1 million permobil, but if I can sell you bonus credits can permobil 5-6 million. Duitnya from where was it? From the provision of loans mas .. the greater the debt, the greater its provisions , the greater the bonus for salesnya! How is that consumers do not groggy mas, provision is beyond lending his car .. buy a car already owe, pay principal, pay interest, pay its provisions .. if you pay late forfeiture, fast lunasin there pinaltinya "he continued
Wow! 5 cars a month can sell credits could just be allotted a commission of 25 million ..
"But yes, mas, because there is not money usury kayak blessings. My wife reminded about usury, I find info from many sources including Facebook group mas Saptuari, it is true .. I took the job with the akad-akad owe usury embattled God and His Messenger .. kuuaaapok i mas! Not like I fought GOD! "
Continue now selling meatballs?Not ashamed?Gak prestige?
"In fact, my wife supports mas, there are some friends who surprised me swerved. But I just want to live quietly in the blessing of God, than I can the money but I plunged the people in debt ... debt riba wear it again!" Further mas Bahtiar
Learn to make meatballs from?
"The promise of GOD if people emigrate pastiii there are just way, once initially I was selling cakes in the morning, until the next stall there pakde meatballs. I was invited to co-sharing, he who made meatballs. After two months I even diajarin make meatballs own so that I can be independent. Thank God, now I can own production and sales going around .. one day I can make net profit of 200,000, but my heart tenaaang .. not again invites people to owe! "
Mashallah .. The answer from GOD for those who want to migrate
"He who emigrated in the way of GOD shall find on earth a place move wide and in abundance .." [Surah An-Nisa: 100]
You who live in Cibitung Bekasi, please Larisi baksonya this Bahtiar mas.
Diligent !!Fokusss !!Hajarrr terusss !!
Kosher fortune it will bring many blessings, he will come continue to bring his friends over a lot, and it was money cool all summer .. I held it, not anxious to keep it ..
Easy for GOD made mas Bahtiar 5 years meatball stall has several outlets in Bekasi, the daily turnover of at least 5 million each stall ... what the heck is not possible for GOD?
ومن الناس من يشرى نفسه ابتغآء مرضات الله والله رؤوف بالعباد Among the people there are people who (sell) sacrificed himself, seeking the pleasure of Allah; and Allah Trustees to His servants.[QS. Al Baqarah: 207]
Good move and fight mas!Every step you take is a step in the full reward ..kosher seek fortune to the family ..God will lift derajatmu, just wait for the next time ..
Salam Move On (Hijra/Hegera) ..


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