Blogger Will Use the https protocol at the end of April 2016

Blogger Will Use the https protocol at the end of April 2016

Bahasa Indonesia Baca: Blogger Akan Menggunakan Protokol Https pada akhir bulan April 2016

Raffidha Saputri Blogger Blog Archive Http Https Web Internet News Protocol 4:01:00 AM Illustration: https protocol Illustration: https protocol blogger
Daughter's Blog, Blogger Will use protocol https at the end of April 2016, not unexpectedly, finally prokol https is in confident safer in encrypting network manifest also in the web hosting blog blogger artificial google this, though a bit late on the blog the other, but the performance on this https protocol, most likely earlier in consider right by the google and blogger. The notice given by the blogger,

It can be seen that blog owners use the services of bloggers, yes like this blog using the services of bloggers, and equally informed by blogger bahwasannya https protocol will be a little late at the end of April are present in blogger. This sentence appears like it:
Coming in Late April! All visitors will be Able to view your domain Blogspot blogs over an encrypted connection by visiting http: // <your-blog> Existing links and bookmarks to your blogs will continue to work. As part of this change, the HTTPS Availability setting will go away, and your blogs will always have an HTTPS version.
Notification is hereby picture blogger bahwsannya https protocol will be a little late to be present at the end of April 2016 Notification is hereby picture blogger bahwsannya https protocol will be a little late to be present at the end of april 2016

  And we need to know what benefits and whether using the https protocol is, but before knowing the long-winded, learn first, http and https protocols mean that what ?, and uses it for what?
He replied:
A.) History and Understanding HTTPS HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP path, the communication protocol of the World Wide Web. Discovered by Netscape Communications Corporation to provide authentication and encrypted communication and use in commercial electrically.
HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure, the secure data transmission protocol, HTTP has the same meaning but for reasons of safety (security), provide additional HTTPS Secure Socket Layer (SSL). In general, a website that uses HTTPS it is a website that has a severe impact associated with financial problems and privacy of customers, such as banks and investment website.

  B.) The difference between HTTP and HTTPS HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): A protocol used by WWW (World Wide Web). HTTP defines how messages can be formatted and sent from the server to the client. HTTP also organized the service access the internet or intranet what should be done by the web server, and web browser in response to the commands on the HTTP protocol this. For example, if you type an address or a URL link to the internet browser, the web browser sends an HTTP command to the web server. Web server will then receive this command and perform activities in accordance with the order requested by the web browser. The results of this activity will be sent back to the web browser to appear to us as users.

While HTTPS (Secure HTTP) is a form of secure protocols for all commands and data through this protocol, are randomized with different formats types of secure encryption paths, making it difficult to pirated content, as well as visits commands are executed or in dekrepsi.
C. Standard Protocols The standard protocol used for web applications is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). This protocol is dideifinisikan in RFC 765. In addition, the protocol HTTPS (HTTP Secure) is a version of HTTP that have been completed / plus security development method in it. Data transmitted via HTTPS encryption process will be conducted, it is intended to keep the secret. HTTPS is vital to confidential applications, such as online transactions, personal data, conversations online telphone lines, etc.
Currently, there are many websites or companies providing the facility to publish web, called web hosting. Web hosting provides space to store your data and files, web who want to be published. Web hosting there are two choices that commercial forms and the free. Examples of sites that provide free web hosting is, and commercial web hosting such as web Hostinger, epadi and etc.
In addition to using plain text communication, HTTPS encrypt session data using the protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS protocol (Transport Layer Security). Both of these protocols provide adequate protection against eavesdroppers, and the man in the middle attacks. In general, the HTTPS port is 443. The level of protection depends on the correctness of the implementation of web browser and server software and supported by the actual encryption algorithm.
Examples of the use of the SSL protocol is on a site that uses the HTTPS protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS is a working HTTP over SSL sites that use HTTPS, such as hosted email login page, the site for online banking, and so on. In technology, the HTTPS protocol to prevent the possibility of "stolen" important information (credit card is the example most often cited) delivered during the communication process between user and the web server (or vice versa).
Technically, a website that uses HTTPS will encrypt the information (data) using SSL encryption techniques. This way even if someone managed to "steal" the data on the go web server user, that person will not be able to read it because it has been modified by SSL encryption techniques. To recognize a website using SSL or not, simply by paying attention to the information on the front of the website address in the browser. If the website address begins with https: // then we can be sure the website is already using SSL technology. Another way is to look at the "lock icon" at the top left corner of the browser / most browsers also is at the lower left corner, when the "icon" is visible in the locked position then the website is secure.
That's the difference in usability and Http and https protocols, and later this Financialive blog sites that are usually seen only will turn into Baikla, assuming it was only once that I can convey, more and less please dimaaftkan. Happy reading, and hopefully useful.


  1. Iya sama, apa harus dirubah ke https:// semua blog? atau dibiarkan. Masalahnya fitur http:// akan dihilangkan? seteleh April? Klu 1-2 blog tak apa, tapi kalau ratusan, atau malah ribuan? Gimana?


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