1. Group believes that life's just sheer, no second life or the life of the Hereafter. Even if they believe, that the pleasure or distress of life in this world that determines the pleasure and misery in the Hereafter. Therefore they memburulah pleasures and riches of the world without limits, they only think of eating, drinking and sex. They would not think of looking for him both lawful and unlawful use mahupun. Halal and haram is not in the dictionary of their lives. They are completely immersed in the world solely hunt that is eating, drinking and sex. They are groups such as God says through the Koran like animals, even more astray that is, a group of unbelievers.
2. Group who seized the treasure with greedy but still maintain about halal and haram, zakat is issued, still keeping the cases that principle, but are not able to spend all the way of Allah. But being spent to illicit street was not well, just for its own sake and the like to keep. That class of Muslims who griping.
3. The group that captured the world who still keep his efforts than the forbidden, but issued alms, what was found was not satisfied-satisfied because to be rich, to carry out the practice of the principle unimportant beside dikorban no way to Allah. This class of greedy.
4. Type the treasure hunt while maintaining the principles and practice of the business is also kosher but not issuing zakat and not sacrificed to the path of Allah. That class of Muslims who were deceived or negligent.
5. Group who earnestly seek wealth but for the purpose of solemn. All things taken care of, worship the principle is maintained, efforts kosher, zakat is issued, sacrificed to the God, merciful to the poor. This is the group who are grateful and generous but reckoning much.
6. Type a treasure just to live and should worship God, do not want to look for the treasure that many fear could not fulfill an obligation and fear of God and their negligent than generous anyway, the business is very guarded than haram and doubtful. That class of pious and generous man.
7. Group who dislike bother with treasures of the world but also because fear is not negligent, nor because fear can not fulfill an obligation. If nothing she beg but neither he stole, cheated, and so on. Worship remains implementation. That's the lazy Muslim groups.
8. Class is no direct attempt because focusing solely for the worship of God, nor beg. About sustenance handed round to God. In fact there are times when people gave was he rejected. That group siddiqin.
9. Class who do not like to bother looking for sustenance, when no she asked, nor devote worship. This is the group that wicked lazy.
In the meantime there are people who hunt for treasure,negligent if he can, if he or she can not be negligent.There can be a rich class if he neglectbut otherwise he was not negligent.There is a group that if he could not he was negligent,if he can not be negligent.There is a class if he is rich he is negligent and poor if he was negligent but when he was not negligent modest incomes.There are factions within the atmosphere of what and how even though he still may devote himself to God and they still are not neglected by the life of the world. Class is what makes the world as a bridge to the Hereafter.
1. Group believes that life's just sheer, no second life or the life of the Hereafter. Even if they believe, that the pleasure or distress of life in this world that determines the pleasure and misery in the Hereafter. Therefore they memburulah pleasures and riches of the world without limits, they only think of eating, drinking and sex. They would not think of looking for him both lawful and unlawful use mahupun. Halal and haram is not in the dictionary of their lives. They are completely immersed in the world solely hunt that is eating, drinking and sex. They are groups such as God says through the Koran like animals, even more astray that is, a group of unbelievers.
2. Group who seized the treasure with greedy but still maintain about halal and haram, zakat is issued, still keeping the cases that principle, but are not able to spend all the way of Allah. But being spent to illicit street was not well, just for its own sake and the like to keep. That class of Muslims who griping.
3. The group that captured the world who still keep his efforts than the forbidden, but issued alms, what was found was not satisfied-satisfied because to be rich, to carry out the practice of the principle unimportant beside dikorban no way to Allah. This class of greedy.
4. Type the treasure hunt while maintaining the principles and practice of the business is also kosher but not issuing zakat and not sacrificed to the path of Allah. That class of Muslims who were deceived or negligent.
5. Group who earnestly seek wealth but for the purpose of solemn. All things taken care of, worship the principle is maintained, efforts kosher, zakat is issued, sacrificed to the God, merciful to the poor. This is the group who are grateful and generous but reckoning much.
6. Type a treasure just to live and should worship God, do not want to look for the treasure that many fear could not fulfill an obligation and fear of God and their negligent than generous anyway, the business is very guarded than haram and doubtful. That class of pious and generous man.
7. Group who dislike bother with treasures of the world but also because fear is not negligent, nor because fear can not fulfill an obligation. If nothing she beg but neither he stole, cheated, and so on. Worship remains implementation. That's the lazy Muslim groups.
8. Class is no direct attempt because focusing solely for the worship of God, nor beg. About sustenance handed round to God. In fact there are times when people gave was he rejected. That group siddiqin.
9. Class who do not like to bother looking for sustenance, when no she asked, nor devote worship. This is the group that wicked lazy.
In the meantime there are people who hunt for treasure,negligent if he can, if he or she can not be negligent.There can be a rich class if he neglectbut otherwise he was not negligent.There is a group that if he could not he was negligent,if he can not be negligent.There is a class if he is rich he is negligent and poor if he was negligent but when he was not negligent modest incomes.There are factions within the atmosphere of what and how even though he still may devote himself to God and they still are not neglected by the life of the world. Class is what makes the world as a bridge to the Hereafter.
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